July 13, 2004

TMBG Experimental Film

The first single off their new album "The Spine", the video has officially been produced and directed by Strong Sad and The Cheat of Homestarrunner.com, and can be viewed here:

According to this Wired interview, TMBG will be making a separate video for the MTV crowd. Choice quote: "I feel like if MTV and Homestar collided, the world might explode."

Thanks to the Homestar Runner Wiki and This Might Be a Wiki for the source info.

Posted by jesse at July 13, 2004 11:35 AM

Uh, yes? Mr. Clark? I mean, Dick.

Rate a Record? American Bandstand? Shurrrr.

I'd give it a 70, cuz it's bouncy and easy to dance to and golly, all my pals would just love to see it over and over and over and over and over and over.

And over. But not over. Ya know?

Posted by: Barney at July 17, 2004 11:02 AM